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Getting Started

Set Up Filters on Wi-Fi Router
So you want to block pornography and filter out other evil websites for anyone u... more
Expert Setup
If you want some help setting up your wi-fi router to use our DNS filters, consi... more
Filter iOS Devices If You Can't Adjust DNS on Router
Important Note: This method of filtering an iOS device (iPod, iPad, iPhone) shou... more
Filter Mac Computers If You Can't Adjust DNS on Router
Important Note: This method of filtering a Mac computer/laptop should only be us... more
Filter Windows Computers If You Can't Adjust DNS on Router
Important Note: This method of filtering a Windows computer/laptop should only b... more
Filter a Windows Computer that Connects to the Internet via Mobile Hotspot
Does your family primarily connect to the internet via a mobile hotspot? This vi... more
Verify Filters Are Working
How can you verify if filters are working properly after adjusting your router t... more
Abortion Block List for Testing Filters
Here is list of abortion-related websites you can use to test whether you've set... more

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